Sketchfab Intership
(From Wikipedia) Sketchfab is a platform to publish, share and discover 3D, VR and AR content. It provides a viewer based on the WebGL and WebVR technologies that allows to display 3D models on the web, to be viewed on any mobile browser, desktop browser or Virtual Reality headset.
Sketchfab is where I did my 3rd year internship (3+ months). My mission was to support the web team during the launch of several major features: mobile app and the new marketplace. I learned a lot about maintaining a product and working among a large team (10+ developers).
Being part of a team
The greatest concepts I learned at Sketchfab is the continuous integration and functional programming wich have really improved my daily workflow. I’m now comfortable with Git and unit tests.

- Backbone.js
- Django (python)
- WebGL
- ES6 Promises
- Functional programming
- Class Inheritance
- Custom Google Analytics implementation
Learning 3D
I choose this company thanks to my growing interest in 3D, first we had an project in class with Blender.
Then I practised at 3D scanning on my own time :
Not perfect but still 😍 [@Sketchfab team event]
— alban denoyel (@albn) September 6, 2017
I had a good time here and hope them the best for their next adventures