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Tech gems 👁️ #13: Best practices to roll your own auth and Nuxt example

Adrien Zaganelli -

  • ▶️ Best pratices for rolling your own authentication
  • ▶️ How to create your own authentication in Nuxt
  • ▶️ 🇨🇭 Switzerland goes open source
  • ▶️ Become a web developer with Valley of code

Best pratices for rolling your own authentication

The author of lucia-auth gives us his hot takes and what your authentication should be made of.

How to create your own authentication in Nuxt

In this tutorial Timi Omoyeni uses the nuxt-auth-utils package as base to create a full-stack auth workflow with Nuxt and SQLite as database. It might give us an idea of what the upcoming @nuxthub/auth will look like.

🇨🇭 Switzerland goes open source

Switzerland's new EMBAG law encourages the use of open source software in the public sector, offering opportunities for cost-covering additional services and potential models for other countries.

Become a web developer with Valley of code

An opinitated roadmap website whose goal is to help you become a Web Developer by Flavio Copes

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Adrien Zaganelli

🇫🇷 Front-end @amexgbt | Typescript, CSS tricks, Vue.js and everything javascript