Free Google Analytics Alternative: Quickstart with Umami Analytics
I used to love to handle my analytics for a while. But since Vercel bought it, the service no longer works. To avoid this unpleasant situation again, I wanted to find an open-source alternative that I can self-host while being developer friendly and RGPD compliant. Let me tell you a few words about Umami analytics.
How to share variables across HTML, CSS, and JavaScript using Webpack
Earlier this week, I read an article explaining how CSS-in-JS slows down the rendering of some React apps and how static CSS is faster. But CSS-in-JS is very popular because, among other features, you can style dynamically using JavaScript variables.
How to make your app work offline with the power of JavaScript
In todayâs world, connectivity has made us more mobile than ever which (paradoxically) cause us to be offline sometimes: when weâre in airplane mode, havea bad connection, have no more data, are on the subway... and so on.
Time-saving CSS techniques to create responsive images
As a web developer, there is a high probability that you have encountered the two enemies of this article: images and deadlines. Sometimes, for some reasons, your images wonât fit the layout and you donât want to wrap your head around this for hours.